About Nurture Massage & Wellness
Nurture Massage Therapy & Wellness, offers an individualized approach in the art of healing. As an Ayurvedic Health Counselor and through various bodywork modalities, we seek to align the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. Through bodywork, we have training in Swedish, Deep Tissue, AromaTherapy, Thai Yoga Massage, Thai Herbal Poultice Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Craniosacral Massage, and Myofascial Release to work with the physical aspect of your healing journey.
As your Ayurveda Health Counselor, I work with each individual to assess their natural state of balance as well as their current state of imbalance. We then begin the process of re-aligning ourselves back towards our blueprint for optimal health and wellbeing. This approach allows the balancing of mind, body and spirit.
Nurture Massage Therapy & Wellness, serves all age levels in search of increasing awareness of a healthier lifestyle. As, the population retires, the understanding by these individuals that healthcare comes in many forms. Some having experienced the Western side of healing (synthetic drugs and symptom management), have decided a different approach is needed for their healing experience. Eastern medicine is a collaborative healing approach that can be combined with Western healing. As an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, the Eastern philosophy of medicine works towards healing the root cause of the symptoms the client is having.
Sheri trained as a massage therapist and worked in the Massage Therapy industry for 15 years, her knowledge, experience and intuitiveness has supported this individualized form of care. Currently, Sheri is pursuing her Ayurvedic Health Counselor Certification through the California College of Ayurveda in Nevada City, California. This additional training has added to a well rounded knowledge of the mind, body and spirit, in the way of how to support healing with individual care. Sheri supports the blended approach to healing from the Eastern perspective.